- Put Your Millennium Time Capsule
- into Guelph's Millennium Time Sculpture
- The City of Guelph Millennium Committee is inviting citizens of Guelph to submit their personal time capsules
for inclusion in Guelphs Millennium Time Sculpture. Collection date for all capsules is Saturday, June 17, 2000 -
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at River Run Centre, 35 Woolwich Street.
- An individual time capsule can be anything that is meaningful to the individual submitting it. Some examples could be a photo, a letter, a CD, a news clipping, a poem, a drawing or sketch, or another personal memento. The maximum size for a capsule is 3 x 3 x 2 (or 18 cubic feet), and it must be accompanied by a completed information sheet so that a registry of all time capsules can be completed. Time capusles will be accepted on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED basis up to a maximum of 1,975 capsules. Time capsules will be sealed into the sculpture during the final stages of its creation.
- For more information, contact the City of Guelph Millennium Committee at (519) 836-3280 (Guelph Arts Council) or 822-1260 ext 325 (Recreation and Parks).