
Techno Cannibal Alison Bailey Smith creates unique wearable art, jewellery and objects from recycled materials including wire from televisions. Her pieces are in collections all around the world and won prizes in Scotland, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
Alison won an Honourable Mention in the Fibre Award at the 1999 Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition (Canada), as well as being given
a new artisan's scholarship to do the One of a Kind Show, Fall '99 (Canada).

Alison nows resides in Liverpool, England
An interview with Alison



(left) Rebecca le Tourneau (Australian TV Personality) modelling her
, commissioned from Alison Bailey Smith in 1995

(right) Green Boater
(worn by Alison Bailey Smith) 

Two Pairs of Slippers

Peacock Brooch

Pill Box Hat

PHOTO CREDITS: Portrait, Two Pairs of Slippers, Pill Box Hat by Rhys Roberts
Peacock Brooch by Alison Bailey Smith





All artwork copyright © by the Artist