Patron Membership
$50 per year
Membership includes
Personal Membership card
entitling member to 10% off all purchases in the Gallery, Personal invitation to all Monthly Show Openings and Membership Recognition posted in the Gallery Shop and on the art-in-guelph web site
Corporate Membership
$150 per year
Membership includes
Membership Cards for all Company Staff
(Subject to Company submitting staff names)
entitling member to 10% off all purchases in the Gallery, Personal invitation to all Monthly Show Openings and Membership Recognition posted in the Gallery Shop and on the art-in-guelph web site
Jury’s Award Corporate Sponsorship
$100 $200 $300
An award for Best of Show in our Annual Juried Show in the name of the Corporate Sponsor
(Please inquire for more information)
ART SHOW sponsorship
(Please inquire for more information)