Oxanna is involved in both community activism and painting. With a background in business administration, social and
environmental activism and painting, Oxanna appreciates the importance of balance in our lives. This sense of harmony is
reflected in her watercolour impressions of the Canadian landscape.
Oxanna also hopes that her paintings will trigger a greater sense of appreciation for our natural environment, so that what
was once taken for granted will be considered worth saving for all to enjoy.
Part of Oxanna's ongoing commitment to the environment includes donating a painting to be included in OPIRG's
Bonnie McAllum award, which is awarded annually to a Guelph resident for outstanding environment achievement.
“I have long considered the creative impulse to be a visit – a thing of grace,
not commanded or owned so much as awaited, prepared for”
Loreena McKennitt
Johnny Lake's (Killarney Provincial park) clear blue waters are surrounded by pink granite rocks and also white quartzite of the La Cloche mountains.
15.5" x 28.5"
Trapped in a Metaphor
This painting is of the leaves of the pitcher plant that grows on the fen next to Dorcas Bay on the Bruce Peninisula
9" x 13"
"The power of presence"
The beautiful jagged cliffs of the Niagara Escarpment plunge boldly into the cold clear waters of Georgian Bay.
14" x 20"
This view is of the Bow River looking westward down the Bow Valley towards Banff, from a bridge in Canmore Alberta
14" x 20"
Silver Peak dominates the background of this swampy area on David Lake just before the portage to Bell Lan in Killarney Provincial Park
22" x 30"