Guelph’s a Bloomin’ Winner
To the delight of City officials, Communities in Bloom Committee members and many Guelph citizens, the City of Guelph has won the 1999 National Communities in Bloom competition for cities with a population of 50 000 to 100 000. The competition judges visited Guelph in August, and looked at several areas of municipal beautification – tidiness effort, urban forestry, landscaping, floral arrangements, turf areas, environmental awareness, heritage conservation and community involvement. They gave Guelph top marks in all areas, with special praise for the city’s environmental efforts, including Guelph’s unique Wet-Dry facility. The judges paid special tribute to the enormous amount of volunteer effort going into Guelph Youth Music Centre renovations (see adjacent photo story).

Congratulations, Guelph, for putting forth a commendable community effort. We can be proud of the results. And who knows, maybe we’ll be competing internationally next year?